Thursday, March 26, 2015


Anxiety, We All Have It.

The Problem

No matter if it's taking a huge test for my teaching license, the first day of school, meeting someone new or even just doing something different, anxiety is something I have a hard time dealing with. 

The Story

Yesterday I took one of my teaching tests (before you ask, I wont know my score for about a month). It was 2 1/2 hours long, at a computer screen, being video taped, with ZERO talking (even though I was alone). It was a high intensity setting with my future riding on it. I did my best to sleep well, tried to calm my nerves but the overwhelming amount of pressure took over. Last week, I had a break down because I was so nervous for this test. I tried many things, essential oils (which totally worked! I will FOREVER diffuse Peace and Calming in my house! IN LOVE!), sleeping as often as possible, breathing techniques, trying to get my mind off of it, but those nerves crept right back up. There was only one main thing that helped...

The Solution

Before I dive right into the solution, I have to give you some background information. To start, I follow it super inspiring lady on Instagram (Crystal) that has these AMAZING study bibles. They have the reading in the middle and room for notes on the sides. I am obsessed with them! She has a drawing that at the end of each month she gives one away to a random person on her page. Knowing that I usually don't win things, I inquired about how to get one of these bibles. Someone responded to my my post and told me to e-mail her, so I did. What happened next brought tears to my eyes and completely warmed my heart. She told me that she had accidentally ordered an extra one and would love to send it to me.  I asked if I could pay her for it and she refused and gave it to me as a gift. This may be one of the sweetest things that has ever happened to me. I do not know her from Adam and she just did this out of the kindness of her heart. And to make things even BETTER, I was very bitter, yes this happens more than I would like, one day and I had a slip in the mail to pick up something from the post office. I was grumpy because my day was packed, I was already late, and I don't understand why the mail men can't drop off the package! URGH! In to the post office I went and there was a long line, which made me more late and more bitter, finally I get this package and I am confused because I don't recognize the name. It was my wonderful bible AND a whole bunch of goodies! Chocolates (love), stamps, CHEVRON sticky tabs, a beautiful card and magnet and of course, the bible. I instantly cried because God knew I needed that package that day. THANK YOU ERIN !
So now that you know the back story, that one main thing that helped was: God's Word. 
I started studying immediately on being anxious. Luke 12:34 told me "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also" if I put my treasure in God's plan then my anxiety will disappear because the decision of the passing of this test has already be decided and it is out of my control.

Here are my goodies!!!!


Fashion Fun!

Today was "No Uniform Day!" (I love these days!) I paired my Maurices "jeggings" with my comfy maroon sweater (from the Closet of Ashley) with my adorable leopard flats! I am also able to wear this outfit out for a fun night with my mom and aunt at our Wine and Canvas night!

Be a Blessing
-Ms. Goff

Friday, March 20, 2015



The story

So to be a teacher, you have to get a 4 year bachelors degree in education. Once you have crossed that stage, with diploma in hand, you cheer and a sense of relief comes over you. A great accomplishment that you worked so hard for! It's finally over and you can have a career.


Savor that moment for about 30 seconds. Next you need to take these three tests, then you need to do your residency and to pass that you have to video yourself teaching, dissect every second of it, repeatedly state what you are actually teaching in multiple different ways to accommodate people who don't even know what is really required of you. Then what that is finished you have to back to school to get your masters and continue to attend conferences and classes to get mandatory "hours" toward the career you already  have. 

The problem

I. Am. Not. An. Acrobat. 
If I wanted to jump through hoops I would have become one. This occurred to me as I was stressing over one of those teaching tests I have to take. It's discouraging. It's scary. It's nerve wrecking. I am sick and tired of bending over backwards for people who don't respect, understand or appreciate what teachers do.

This is not a "woe is me" post. I understand I picked this profession. I get that I have put myself in this position, but I don't understand how it is so low on the totem pole. If it wasn't for teachers, you wouldn't have graduated 6th grade, high school or college. The most influential profession is the one that lacks respect.

The Solution

I am still searching for one. 

In the mean time, I am keeping this verse in mind: Philippians 4: 6-7 " do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present you requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and you minds in Christ Jesus

Fashion Fun!

Even though it's the first day of spring, I wore black. 

A comfy outfit was a must after we had late volleyball games last night. 

I wore black skinnys, shirt and scarf, paired with a GREAT tribal patter!

Be A Blessing
Miss Goff

Monday, March 16, 2015



The Story

It's Monday.

The Problem

It's Monday. Monday. Monday. Monday! I have such a hard time getting out of bed in the morning on Monday-Friday. It's such a struggle. On this particular morning, I got up, let the dog out, went to make breakfast and my milk was spoiled. Packed my lunch and my lunch box is missing. Went to let the dog in...SHE GOT OFF HER LEASH! Oh great morning it was. Upon showing up to school I realized I how grumpy I actually was when I started my daily prep for the day. I wanted to throw in the towel, call it quite, leave, hasta la vista, baby!  

Then, one of my students came in and said "Guess What!!!!!!!!" and without having my coffee I groggily replied with "uggggggg yes??" just as excited as the before, she said "I was saved this weekend and I am going to be baptized!!" It hit me. It hit me hard. This was amazing. This was exciting and exhilarating. She has found the priceless gift of God and she wants to share it with ME! My heart rejoiced, my eyes watered and the words "Praise the Lord!" came blubbering out of my mouth. She did it. She really did it. This 10 year old girl has realized the importance of having Jesus as our one true Savior! She single handedly changed my Monday. 

The problem is, if a 10 year old can figure it out, why cant grown adults? 

The Solution

During reading groups we read a story about a pearl diver who was trying to buy his way to Heaven by doing good things. He had son who found the perfect pearl, and it retrieving it, he lost his life. The diver wanted to give this priceless gift to someone he loved dearly, however, this person wanted to pay him for the expensive pearl. The friend showed him how the pearl was like God's salvation. God's salvation costs too much for us to ever be able to pay for it. He wants to give it to us because He loves us so much. The diver wanted to give the pearl to his friend because he cared so much about him. Just like God does for us. 

"And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life."
I John 5:11-12

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works. least any man should boast."
Ephesians 2: 8-9

Come to Jesus, and live.

Fashion Fun!

Today I rocked my new scarf from Brina Box. I LOVE the pattern!!!! It was a complete glasses and sock bun day. I also love wearing my Agape sweatshirt because it says "Miss Goff" :)

Be a blessing!
-Miss Goff

Thursday, March 12, 2015

How to Take the High Road

How To Take the High Road....

Or try to. 

The Story

We all know that it can be very difficult to be nice to someone who has wronged you. I went to dinner with some of my family to a local restaurant we frequently visit. Upon leaving I recognized someone who has shamefully hurt, humiliated and disrespected me. When returning home I found out that someone with him screamed profanities out the window at my father

The Problem

I believe the problem is obvious here. What right do you have to yell at a Godly, kind man who helped you through difficult times? My problem is trying to take the high road and be the bigger person that I know I need to be and can be. But that's not the solution I want. I want to be angry and I want to yell right back, but what is that teaching my students?

The Solution

Sometimes I think my students have old souls. While continuing to learn about bullies and what to do when they encounter us one of my students said:
                        "Miss Goff, yesterday my brother said something really rude to my mom and I got really angry because I love my mom. I wanted to be mean to my brother because he was mean to her but I just couldn't because I knew God and my mom wouldn't like that. So, instead, I prayed for my brother before bed that God would help him to not be so nasty."

I mean come on! This kid is brilliant! Why didn't I think of that?? This caused many emotions in me. I was discouraged that in my 25 years of living that wasn't the first thing I did. I chuckled because she used the word "nasty" in a funny tone and at the same time I questioned myself. When I found out about what was said, I went to the "nasty" place in my head. Lastly, the strongest emotion I felt was happiness because my student knew the right thing to do and I'd like to take some credit for that. 

Matthew 5:44
"43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[a] and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous."

So tonight, I will pray for him and her. But please pray for me, the urge to retaliate is still boiling in my blood. 

Fashion Fun!

Today I was so excited to wear my leopard flats my friend Ashley gave me!
I paired them with black pants and scarf and a denim shirt

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

I Teach Therefore I Am.

I Am Here

My journey

I attended public school for the first time when I was in 5th grade. Homeschooling was something I enjoyed but being the second youngest of 6, it was about the time I had to leave the comfort of my home and adjust to life in a school. The kids were different, the teacher wasn't my mom, I was definitely not at home. For the first time in my life, I felt alone. I remember that feeling distinctly, however, it didn't last long. Not only was I in class with my neighbor but my teacher made every possible effort she could to make me feel welcome, comfortable and learn to enjoy school. She is the sole reason I became a teacher. The love and guidance she showed me molded me into who I am today 

Math is by far my favorite subject to teach, science is a close second, but the best thing about being a teacher is not teaching what's in the curriculum or the standards. It's about teaching them how to get along with students they don't mesh with. It's about showing them that even in our weakest and toughest moments we are there for each other. It's about laughing, enjoying and just being. About cherishing the moments we have together and learning to give back to others. Yes, knowing how to add is important, or knowing the process of photosynthesis, but nothing is more important than knowing how to be a better "you". A "you" that is compassionate, kind, understanding and loving. A "you" that knows how to stand up for "you"rself and to show mercy. A "you" that gives rather than takes, loves rather than hates and smiles even in "your" darkest hour.

I get to help them learn about life's struggles.
I get to share in their joys.
I get to celebrate with them, cry with them.
I get to watch them grow physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally.
I get to teach!

My Struggles

Most people think I am a glorified babysitter or think "you have the best job ever! You get summers off and are out by 3:30". I'd like to address this topic briefly.
I am not a glorified babysitter. Babysitters take kids places and let them play and watch T.V. and just have fun doing absent minded things. I do have fun in my classroom, however, I am teaching them raw, intellectual concepts that they need to better themselves throughout their life. I may get out of school at 3:30, but even when I am home I am working. I am lesson planning, prepping for the week, making sure the concept I am teaching isn't over their heads or that it is strong enough of a lesson. 
I do have the best job ever! Not because I am off in the summers but because I am a teacher. Many people think I pull a 40 hour week for roughly 9-10 months out of the year. But I don't. I am constantly thinking, constantly organizing, constantly working. My mind is like the Internet, I have 50 different pages open and am constantly searching for something. You can't shut it off.

My Strength

Thanks for reading! I will close with our bible verse this week:
Phillipians 4:11
"I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances"
Complaining comes easy for most of us, but we need to remember that life has its challenges and God gives us what we need to succeed. There is no need to worry for our burdens can be laid upon Him

Fashion Fun!

My blog will always be ending with a #ootd (outfit of the day). Something I enjoy doing is picking out my clothes and being a little different with what I wear. I dress for comfort and style but with a modest twist :)

Be A Blessing
Miss Goff