The Story
I have been the same version of myself for years. Skating through life with no major changes or heart wrenching experiences. I've had my bad days, no doubt. But all in all my life seems to be good. I can't complain. But why settle for good?
The Problem
I am at a constant battle with myself over what God wants from me and what I want from me. I have an inner debate going on about how I spend my time and money and the choices I make. I am dealing with graduating into my late twenties and deciding what is actually important in life. I am growing up and growing in a different direction than those around me and am struggling. The other day Matthew and I were at church and I felt particularly drawn to a meeting that was going on after the service. Matthew walked me in and was going to stay until I decided it was something I needed to do on my own, that in and of itself is a huge deal for me. Not knowing a single person, I sat in a meeting about a missions trip to Mexico coming up in June. Something I have always wanted to do, but never felt it was the right time or that I had any type of support. I feel like things are different. People are different, I am different. I want to be the strongest, most determined and dedicated version of myself for God, my family and Matthew. I want to make a difference. I want to do more than work all week and go out all weekend. I want to devote myself to serving the Lord in the most effective way I can. So why not start by running a Vacation Bible School in another country? Talk about jumping in with both feet. The biggest problem I have is, I am terrified. I am terrified of the experience, being away from my home, going out of my comfort zone but most of all, what God is going to show my heart.
Changes. Lord willing, for the better.
The Solution
I struggle most with anxiety when the situations are out of my control. The best place to lean is always on the Lord and His word never fails.Philippians 4:6-9 "do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about those things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me- practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you"
Isaiah 40:31
"But those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles"
I humble myself before you and ask for you to lift me up in your prayers for encouragement and confidence in this decision and the changes going on in my life.
Fashion Fun!
I had the best Christmas Break! Matthew and I were both off for a couple weeks and it was wonderful to spend quality time together and with family!
Christmas Eve fun with my family! Reppin' BrinaBox with my shirt and scarf paired with some Miss Me jeans. Matthew is wearing BKE jeans and a sweater we got from Kohls, he's so dapper :)
A couple months ago Matthew told me to not do anything on December 12th and that he had a surprise date planned for us. We went to Delmonico's for the most fabulous steak I have had the pleasure of enjoying ( I still dream of that filet) and then off to the State Theater to see a Christmas Carol. Perfect date with the best man in the world.
Every love story is beautiful,
but ours is
my favorite
Matthew's sister Megan and I on Christmas at their moms house. Such a sweet, fun, hard working girl. Love her!
Matthew took Megan and I to a monsters game in Cleveland and I decided to show him the Casino for the first time, we both lost, but it was fun!
First time at the Trans Siberian Orchestra! It was AMAZING!
Happy New Year!
Finally, experiencing some snow! We went to Olive Garden for lunch after Church. I am happily wearing my extremely warm Columbia jack and new BrinaBox blanket scarf from Matthew for Christmas.
Be a Blessing!
Miss Goff