My Life Got Flip-Turned Upside Down
The Story
Previously, when I was actually in a good place while being single, I wrote about how I was not waiting. By that I meant I wasn't waiting for Mr. Right Now, I was patiently awaiting the arrival of Mr. Right that God hand chose for me. The man who knows me and loves me just the same. The one who strengthens me and encourages me. Someone who trusts me and leans on me. A gentleman with a heart of gold who adores me for who I am and who he knows I can be. Most importantly, someone who leans on the Lord first in times of difficulty, sorrow, joy and adoration.
The Problem
I am an impatient person. So, even though I was content with where I was, who I am and actually enjoying my single life, it didn't last long. I long for affection, love and companionship. It's in my blood.
The Solution
I went on Match and decided to give it a whirl! I was amazed, overwhelmed, anxious and excited all at once. The second I got on there I was flooded with so many "winks", e-mails, "likes" and matches that I didn't know what to do. After I decided it was worth paying for, I was on there for a whole two weeks. Yup. That's all it took. While browsing through my "daily matches" a profile popped up. Now, he'll tell you I clicked on his picture because he was looking up into the air and you couldn't help but wonder, "huh, what is he looking at" butttttt, I just thought he was cute. He met all three of my qualifications: 1. Christian 2. older than me 3. taller than me..yes this is a thing. After stalking his profile for a few days, I decided to be the "go getter" that I am and e-mail him first. When his response to my e-mail made me, literally, LOL I knew he was going to be a fun guy to chat with. A couple e-mails later, he asked for my number. After chatting for a few days he asked what I was doing on Friday to which I responded "actually, I have two dates Friday night..." in shock, he said, "how in the world are you going to pull that off" after I explained to him about how awesome I am at life in general he said, "wellllll, I think you should cancel and go out with me" I laughed and said "okay!" Little did he know, at the time, I did not cancel, I squeezed him in.
Approaching Jekyll in Chagrin Falls, I saw him. While on the phone with Tami, I passed him. When I got inside it was packed and he stood next to me in the doorway when I looked up at him and said "You're supposed to be meeting me." That was it. That was the start of a conversation that involved eating sushi with chopsticks, laughing and smiling the whole time and thanking the Lord he was normal.
One month later, we are madly in love with each other. Yes, I know its fast. No, I do not care. That saying, "When you know you know" is real life. He is everything described above and more. We share a mutual respect, love and appreciation for each other so it is easy to want to shower each other with words of affirmation, loving acts of kindness and to genuinely care for each other.
We were made to have a companion, someone to know us inside and out. To love us and our flaws, equally.
God made Eve from Adam to be a suitable partner for him. He made her not from his foot to be walked on, not from his back to be behind him, not from his chest to be in front of him, but from his rib to stand next to him.
"We love because He first loved us." 1 John 4:19
"An now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:13
"I have found the one whom my soul loves" Song of Solomon 3:4
To be continued...
Fashion Fun!
Matthew and I
His company Christmas party
I was able to find this adorable dress at Dress Barn as well as my jewelry
How dapper is my main squeeze??
One of my favorite pictures from the evening :)
Christmas card? Jk
Matthew and his sister joined us for Thanksgiving. I was a wonderful day full of laughter and Dutch Blitz...which I kicked butt in.
Wore an awesome shirt from my sister and a scarf I got at TJ Maxx last year with my favorite Jeggings.
Paused for a selfie on the way to target after church.
Paired my comfy sweater with my Brina Box blanket scarf.
Be a Blessing
Miss Goff